Money heist is initially known as LA CASA DE PAPEL in Spanish which means "house of paper" but when it was decided to dubb in English it has its own new name which is famously now known as "MONEY HEIST". This name itself makes the viewer more curious about the series. It is basically a Spanish series which when released on Netflix then was dubbed in English and from thereafter it has no turning back. money heist got a lot of love from all over the world. The IMDB rating of this series is also amazing it is 8.4.. woohoo..!! kudos to the makers for this. 
The story basically revolves around An unusual group of robbers who attempt to carry out the most perfect robbery in Spanish history in which they try to steal 2.4 billion euros from the Royal Mint of Spain. They use the DALI mask and red jumpsuits to disguise themselves and those Dali masks and red jumpsuits are now famous worldwide immensely that somehow they have now become the original dressup for the robbers to rob things out there in real life..!! people are somewhere getting inspired by this fictitious robbery.!!

Is it the right sign for Money heist??

well well well...!!! Since every nation has given immense love to Lacasa de Papel no doubt some would have taken it as an entertainment source but some could have got into the characters and have taken it way seriously..!! 
you can not stop people doing what they are doing..!! so better let's see the pro and most importantly "THE SECRETS" for which I guess everyone is curious for...

so let's get started...!!! 


well..!! everyone who has already seen Lacasa de Papel has fallen for those dali masks and red jumpsuits. Every person wanted to wear that mask and those jumpsuits have now become fashion statements, though people think it's just for the symbolism of the series but there are many other reasons behind the dali mask and specifically red jumpsuit too..!! let's find out what are those..!!

   According to what the professor has said in season 1, his team actions are all about resistance, indignation, and skepticism towards the symptoms. right??

well...!! pretty similar philosophy to the Spanish artist SALVADOR DALI  

right?? what do you think??

well some of his early 20th-century art was created in order to support the movement against modern capitalistic values.

And the red color was chosen on purpose too..!! 

According to the google arts and culture center, the color red was used in several different countries throughout the history as a symbol of fighting for freedoms and liberties and in money heist, it was also served as an equalization element of course in a sarcastic way because both the robbers and the hostages wear the same red jumpsuits. 


of course everyone who so ever had heard this song has definitely tried to hymn it and also tries to remember the lyrics so that you can sing with berlin...

isn't it???

yes, I know it is..!! and even if you still haven't heard the lyrics you can try the lyrics here...!! 

I know after la casa de Papel you have loved this song but Bella ciao has a very deep and interesting history which I am sure you people are not aware of.
so here the thing..!!

Bella Ciao” or “Goodbye Beautiful” is a famous Italian folk song,
which was the anthem for the anti-fascist resistance AND soon after that it became famous worldwide as a hymn of liberty! See the connections now, can you? Though the song was originally created sometime before World War 2 by Italian women who worked hard in the fields and wanted to lift their spirits, its lyrics were later changed in order to capture the partisans fight against fascism. Show creators INDEED put some hidden meaning between the lines in Money Heist. No doubt.


Lacasa de papel had got an immense love all over the world but this was not what the makers were expecting before..!! 
perhaps some of you didn't know this but as Lacasa de papel season 1 was broadcasting in Spain, it was a failure, the show was nearly canceled. The number of viewers was so low that the cast never ever dreamed there would be a season 2 but after Netflix bought the series things started turning around towards the good or we should say very good for the cast and the makers.
The shows name also got changed to "MONEY HEIST" and it soon became one of the most popular series in the world.


It was the first day of filming as a NetFlix show which was supposed to have happened in the heart of Florence and it also has shown how much people have loved money heist and their cast. There were thousands of people watching the filming process. The set looks more like a giant theatre or a cricket stadium than a series set as it was full of crowd and all of them were there just to see the cast and the shoot. 
The most amazing thing was everyone was deadly silent staring waiting for all the magic to have happened.

PEDRO ALONSO aka BERLIN once in an interview opens up about that day in Florence and said that "I said to myself, " okay, concentrate..!! zero eye contact until you are done" and when both ALVARO and BERLIN were about to finish the scene they decided to go and say "Hii" to everyone.

but..!! That turned out to be a BIG mistake as soon as they approach the closest group of people all of a sudden more and more people who came wanted to meet both of them in person. It would not be a problem if they had gone after completing all the scenes but they were left with some scenes and since they had made a good connection with there fans it has then become impossible to continue filming because literally everyone from the crowd wanted to take a photo with or get an autograph of their favorite actors. The crew was left with no choice but to get into their cars and drive off the place away from the fans, who continued following them on foot as long as they could.

A similar story happened again in Florence the crew had taken a very less famous place to shoot but the fans still managed to find them there too.
But luckily this time the team had learned their lesson of not interacting with the fans before completing every shoot of that location.


Here's the hardest scene in the whole heist ...!!

Remember the moment where the heist team reached international waters in north Atlantic by ship. what do you think by looking at this scene it must have been cold out there isn't it??  
But, no not at all...!!
Because that scene was not shot in the original location i.e. the Atlantic but it was shot in the waters of Thailand and that too in a horrible condition 
It was insanely HOT out there more than 105 degrees Fahrenheit, the blazing sun almost made THE PROFESSOR faint.
All the actors were rehearsing shirtless and hoping of ending the terrible day as fast as it could but have you noticed the craziest detail about that scene was that the actors have to pretend they were cold and no way could they break a sweat up there because if they did so it would be easily captured by the high resistance cameras who were shooting them for the scene   
